group 8

to register

Register via Onderwijs Transparant

Have you received a link from Onderwijs Transparant? Then you can register digitally via the system from March 25. You fill in all the necessary information there. So you do not have to submit documents separately to the school. If you have not received a link from Onderwijs Transparant, you can register via register the school.  

Read more about the registration procedure at Johan de Witt here.

Register through the school

Have you not received a link from Onderwijs Transparant? Or have you received advice from your primary school on VMBO-P (practical education) or ISK? Then you must submit the forms to the first preferred school. This is possible from March 25. You can bring the forms to us in various ways:

  • Mail to    
  • Send by post to Mrs. Andrea Roos
  • In the school mailbox

You must complete the following paperwork with you:

  • the first year registration form (complete digitally)
  • the advice form 
  • the preferred list with 6 schools 
  • the statement of agreement  

Read more about the registration procedure at Johan de Witt here.

registration procedure

Registration procedure

To register

Students who want to register for the first year of a course at the Johan de Witt Scholengroep can do so via the registration form on our website. We will contact you as soon as the registration form has been received by our school.

The following information/documents are required for registration:

  • BSN number.
  • Advice form and completed selection list issued by the primary school.
  • If available, written results of tests/tests.


Students who register with the Johan de Witt School Group must meet the following criteria:

  • Positive advice from the primary school for the course for which the student is registering.


The Johan de Witt School Group:

  • does not apply priority rules.
  • has no lottery procedure.
  • determines in consultation with the parents the location that best suits the student.

Pro - ISK

The Johan de Witt Scholengroep has a special Pro-ISK class for students who have been in the Netherlands for less than two years and have received primary school advice for practical education. In this class, students receive more support in acquiring the Dutch language.   

First year of non-native speakers

The Johan de Witt Scholengroep has a first year class of non-native speakers for pupils who have left primary school and do not yet have sufficient command of the Dutch language. 

Support offering

All schools in the Hague region have made joint agreements about their support offering.  The aim of the agreements is to ensure that there is a suitable school for every student. The support profile of the Johan de Witt Scholengroep can be found in the download center  of this website.

Number of places for regular classes

First grade (type)

Teaching places

Associated primary school advice

pre-university education

















VMBO P (Practical education)

isk underflow


No specific advice possible



For all courses


Number of places in opportunity classes

First grade (type)

Teaching places

Associated primary school advice









VMBO KL to TL (with LWOO)






VMBO P (Practical education)



The Johan de Witt Scholengroep is an inner-city school for public secondary education at six locations, mainly in the heart of The Hague. We offer all secondary education courses: VWO, HAVO, MAVO, MYP, VMBO framework, VMBO basic, VMBO-P (practical education), entrance and ISK. All courses have the designation 'Excellent school' and the assessment 'good'.  

Training courses per location

You can find the courses at various locations:

  • Capadosestraat: entrance, VMBO framework, VMBO basic, VMBO-P (practical education)
  • Hooftskade: HAVO (lower level), MAVO (lower level), MYP, VMBO framework, VMBO basic
  • Zusterstraat: VWO (gymnasium and atheneum), HAVO, MAVO, MYP, VMBO framework, VMBO basic
  • Glasblazerslaan/ Vermeerstraat/ Helena van Doeverenplantsoen: ISK

If you have not received specific advice from the primary school, please see:

why JDW?

Why do you choose us?

To first grade

Next school year you will make an exciting and important step: from primary school to secondary education. What does lessons at the Johan de Witt Scholengroep look like? And what else do we offer? VO Haaglanden created a magazine for new students with interviews and information about all schools under VO Haaglanden. Three seventh grade students explain why they chose the Johan de Witt School Group. In an extensive interview, Mrs. Hoorenman talks about what is typical of Johan de Witt.

All courses excellent

The Johan de Witt Scholengroep is one of the best inner-city schools in the Netherlands and all our courses have the designation 'Excellent School'. An independent jury gives this designation to schools with special qualities.

At our school you can find all courses within secondary education: VWO, HAVO, MAVO, VMBO framework, VMBO basic, practical education and ISK. If your results are good, you can always move up to a higher level. This is possible within the Johan de Witt School Group, because we have all levels in-house.

Your development in pictures

We follow your development closely. We analyze the test results to help you further. A year consists of four periods. At the end of each period you have a PTO week and in the upper grades this is called a PTA week. You will then receive all major tests in one period of approximately one week. The tests are taken digitally for each subject. Sometimes you do a project within a course. Our projects introduce you to how the profession works in practice.

Study campus

We help you plan to do well on your tests and homework. For example, we work with digital study guides where you can find out in one overview when you will be taught which subject. Could you use extra help? At our Homework Institute we help you with homework and subjects that you have difficulty with. In addition to the Homework Institute , we also offer Saturday School and Holiday School . This all falls under the study campus.

A mentor in every class

Your mentor is the first point of contact for you and your parents. You can contact him or her if you encounter something, need help or want to develop yourself more. Every period the mentor speaks with you and your parents at the parents' evening about how things are going.

You will receive mentor lessons three times a week. In the mentor lesson you will receive Executive Functions, GRIPP and Career Orientation (LOB) in which you discover what suits you and what choices you need to make for your future. During these lessons you will also go on an internship where you will get to know companies. This way you can discover where your interests lie.

Discover your interests and talents on our campuses

Our school is located in the middle of the city and in the middle of the world. We use the environment to show you what the world has to offer. You get the opportunity to further develop your talents. We have the Sports Campus , the Arts Campus , the World Campus and the Professional Campus. The sports campus is the after-school sports program of the Johan de Witt School Group. Almost every day after school you can play all kinds of sports for free, such as basketball, volleyball, football and swimming.

On the Arts Campus you will be introduced to dance, theater, film, visual arts, language and music. Your lesson is provided by the cultural institutions in The Hague. You can also get started with the Art Campus after school.



There are IB World Schools all over the world. These schools aim to educate students to become inquisitive, well-informed and caring young people, so that together they can create a better and more peaceful world. The Johan de Witt School Group also wants this, of course, and that is why we started a MYP class in the 2022/2023 school year. The Johan de Witt Scholengroep is a candidate school for the Middle Years Program (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate (IB).

Would you like to know more about IB and MYP? Then read here or contact our MYP coordinators via .

types of classes

Regular classes

Are you a real HAVO student or a real VMBO basic student? Have you received one piece of advice and does it suit you completely? Then you can join us in the class at your level. You will then be in a class with other students of the same level.

Sometimes it is not yet entirely clear which course suits you best. The Johan de Witt Scholengroep wants to give these students more time to discover this. This is possible in the opportunity class or the heterogeneous first year. In these classes you get the opportunity to develop further or catch up on learning delays. You can then move on to the most suitable course. We follow the advice of the primary school.  

Probability classes

Have you received duplicate advice? Then you are best suited in an opportunity class. You will receive education at the higher level, but a report card will be issued for both courses. At the end of the first year, we determine which level suits best based on the results and development of the student. We offer the following opportunity classes:

  • mavo HAVO
  • VMBO/MAVO framework
  • VMBO basic/VMBO framework
  • VMBO-P (practical education) / VMBO basic

Heterogeneous classes

Are you still developing and do you need more time? Then the heterogeneous first year might be something for you. In the heterogeneous class there are three education levels together. You follow your own program. In three years you will find out at which level you can take the exam. We offer the following heterogeneous classes:

  • VMBO/MAVO/HAVO framework
  • VMBO basic / VMBO framework / MAVO
  • VMBO-P (practical education) / VMBO basic / VMBO framework